Susan Johnson
Four Weeks to Better Sleep

Using APLGO Drops Along with Education and Tracking to Improve Your Sleep

Welcome to your Four Weeks to Better Sleep Program!
This page is your go to for information about the program. You will find the Zoom Schedule, the Zoom link and all the replays.  

Below there is a breakdown of the APLGO drops and videos you can watch to learn more about each drop as well as information and FAQ's.

Here is the Zoom call schedule:

Introduction Zoom – Overview and how to use your journal
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here.
Week 1 Education Zoom
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here
Week 2 Education Zoom
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here
Week 3 Education Zoom
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here
Week 4 Education Zoom
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here

In our education series, we cover 8 pillars to better sleep.  Sleep props, supplements, lifestyle, food and beverages, grounding, sleep strategies, technology and hormones. We cover two pillars per call. You can listen to the calls through the links above.

We know you will enjoy the series!

What is your sleep style?

Tips for Success!
We love adding in extras that will help you succeed in your Four Weeks to Better Sleep Program.
This is a super simple, one minute breathing exercise.

Here is an optional 5 minute relaxation meditation they could do before bedtime.

The DNA Drops to Help You Achieve Better Sleep

GTS - Get Strength Take this drop before a workout or in the afternoon when you need a "pick me up."  People report feeling stronger and having more stamina when using it before working out.
Learn more here
ICE - This drop supports the body's ability to overcome digestive distress. Everyone eats foods that just do not agree with them. This drop will help soothe the stomach, support healthy digestion, and mobilize its healthy immune defenses. This was an optional drop. 
Learn more here

MLS - Multi Spectrum - This drop supports a healthy microbiome, happy mood and general health. Considered a foundational drop in the product line along with GRW to support the immune system.
Learn more here

PWR - Apricot   PWR - Lemon
Today's world leaves our hormonal system on overdrive. Power drops support a healthy hormonal and endocrine system. Women take the apricot in the AM and the Lemon in the PM. Men take the lemon in the AM and the Apricot in the PM.
Learn more about Power Apricot here
Learn more about Power Lemon here
RLX - Relax - A good night's rest is key to a healthy body. Relax drops support the body to sleep deeper, promote REM sleep and often vivid dreaming.  This drop can also be taken in the day when the pressures of daily life cause you to get anxious. It helps support the body's ability to calm itself.
Learn more here
SLD - Slide - Active people need to support their body for to have the best performance at any age. Slide drops support the joints and ligaments and the body's ability to clear inflammation.
Learn more here
STP - Stop - Who doesn't overdue life once in a while. The gym, gardening, playing with the kids, hiking...being active!  When that old sports injury tells you that you played to hard or that weekend yard cleanup has your body yelling at you, Stop supports the body's ability to soothe those achy spots!
Learn more here

Learn More
Information courtesy of Susan Johnson
Behind the Technology
There is so much information on these amazing drops!  The information below covers some of the most frequently asked questions.
Mary Esther Gilbert is a Nutritionist and has written a 600 page book on the DNA Drops.  Here is a video to get to know her. 

Mary Esther Gilbert, 40+ Year Nutritionist: 

How do they absorb.
Absorbability And Nutrient Factors- MEG:

The power behind these drops...
DNA drops are so powerful -MEG:

Are they vitamins? If not, what do they do?
Are APL Drops Vitamins? -MEG:

Some FAQ's...

What are professionals saying about the drops.
Talk with a Chiropractor:

Susan Johnson
Four Weeks to Better Sleep

Using APLGO Drops Along with Education and Tracking to Improve Your Sleep

Welcome to your Four Weeks to Better Sleep Program!
This page is your go to for information about the program. You will find the Zoom Schedule, the Zoom link and all the replays.  

Below there is a breakdown of the APLGO drops and videos you can watch to learn more about each drop as well as information and FAQ's.

Here is the Zoom call schedule:

Introduction Zoom – Overview and how to use your journal
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here.
Week 1 Education Zoom
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here
Week 2 Education Zoom
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here
Week 3 Education Zoom
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here
Week 4 Education Zoom
Listen to the Zoom by clicking here

In our education series, we cover 8 pillars to better sleep.  Sleep props, supplements, lifestyle, food and beverages, grounding, sleep strategies, technology and hormones. We cover two pillars per call. You can listen to the calls through the links above.

We know you will enjoy the series!

What is your sleep style?

Tips for Success!
We love adding in extras that will help you succeed in your Four Weeks to Better Sleep Program.
This is a super simple, one minute breathing exercise.

Here is an optional 5 minute relaxation meditation they could do before bedtime.

The DNA Drops to Help You Achieve Better Sleep

GTS - Get Strength Take this drop before a workout or in the afternoon when you need a "pick me up."  People report feeling stronger and having more stamina when using it before working out.
Learn more here
ICE - This drop supports the body's ability to overcome digestive distress. Everyone eats foods that just do not agree with them. This drop will help soothe the stomach, support healthy digestion, and mobilize its healthy immune defenses. This was an optional drop. 
Learn more here

MLS - Multi Spectrum - This drop supports a healthy microbiome, happy mood and general health. Considered a foundational drop in the product line along with GRW to support the immune system.
Learn more here

PWR - Apricot   PWR - Lemon
Today's world leaves our hormonal system on overdrive. Power drops support a healthy hormonal and endocrine system. Women take the apricot in the AM and the Lemon in the PM. Men take the lemon in the AM and the Apricot in the PM.
Learn more about Power Apricot here
Learn more about Power Lemon here
RLX - Relax - A good night's rest is key to a healthy body. Relax drops support the body to sleep deeper, promote REM sleep and often vivid dreaming.  This drop can also be taken in the day when the pressures of daily life cause you to get anxious. It helps support the body's ability to calm itself.
Learn more here
SLD - Slide - Active people need to support their body for to have the best performance at any age. Slide drops support the joints and ligaments and the body's ability to clear inflammation.
Learn more here
STP - Stop - Who doesn't overdue life once in a while. The gym, gardening, playing with the kids, hiking...being active!  When that old sports injury tells you that you played to hard or that weekend yard cleanup has your body yelling at you, Stop supports the body's ability to soothe those achy spots!
Learn more here

Learn More
Information courtesy of Susan Johnson
Behind the Technology
There is so much information on these amazing drops!  The information below covers some of the most frequently asked questions.
Mary Esther Gilbert is a Nutritionist and has written a 600 page book on the DNA Drops.  Here is a video to get to know her. 

Mary Esther Gilbert, 40+ Year Nutritionist: 

How do they absorb.
Absorbability And Nutrient Factors- MEG:

The power behind these drops...
DNA drops are so powerful -MEG:

Are they vitamins? If not, what do they do?
Are APL Drops Vitamins? -MEG:

Some FAQ's...

What are professionals saying about the drops.
Talk with a Chiropractor: