Welcome to the Metabolic Reset! 
Reset Your Body - Reboot Your Mind - Re-ignite Your Energy!
Welcome to the Metabolic Reset where we combine education, coaching and the world's most cutting edge, all-natural, plant-based nutritional lozenges to help you take your health to a higher level.

We are so glad you are here!

Everything you need to know to be "in the know" can be found here!  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Susan Johnson or the person who introduced you to this Metabolic Reset.  We are happy to help out!  You can reach Susan at Susan@MyHealthyReboot.com 

Recordings For The Metabolic Reset
Come back here often as we will post weekly Zoom calls and Dinner Cams

Three Minute Step Test Chart - For baseline markers

Introduction Call
The below calls are the same presentation recorded on two different nights. 
Here is the replay of the Introduction Call explaining journal, baseline measurements, and a general outline of the drops and how to use them.

Weekly Education Recordings
Five Education Calls for the May 8 and 15 Reset
Week One Education Call "Food and Your Metabolic Reset" replay (click here) 
Week Two Education Call "About the Drops" replay (click here)
Week Three Education
 Call "Exercise and the Metabolic Reset replay (click here) 
Here are The Functional 6 exercises Tasso mentioned on the call.

Week Four Education Call Hormones and Other Factors that Affect Metabolism. replay (click here)
Week Five Education Wrapping Up Your Resetreplay (click here)
Education Calls for the June 5 and June 12 Reset
Week One Education Call - Food and Your Metabolic Reset
Food List Shown on Call What to Choose for Foods.docx
Week Two Education Call  - What's My Drop?
Week Three Education Call  - The Importance of Exercise
Week Four Education Call - Talking Hormones
Week Five Education Call - Wrapping Up Your Reset

Weekly Dinner Cam Recordings
Casual, fun and educational! Come cook with Susan Johnson, her husband, and maybe even a guest chef.
Recipes will be posted before the Dinner Cam and emailed to each participant.

Dinner Cam Information for the Metabolic Reset
Week One Dinner Cam 

Week One Dinner Cam recording https://youtu.be/-SauaS_nWyQ

Week Two Dinner Cam

Week Two Dinner Cam recording Lemon Tarragon Instant Pot Chicken

Week Three Dinner Cam 

Week Four Dinner Cam recording Southern Fried Cabbage
Download the recipe Southern Fried Cabbage.docx

About the Drops!
There is so much information available on APLGO drops. How they are made, how they work and how each drop supports the body and metabolic health.  Check out the information and please contact Susan Johnson if you have any questions at Susan@MyHealthyReboot.com

GRW - Grow  This drop supports the body's immune system and has been known to build healthier hair and nails.
Learn more here
GTS - Get Strength Take this drop before a workout or in the afternoon when you need a "pick me up."  People report feeling stronger and having more stamina when using it before working out.
Learn more here
HPR - Hepar - Hepar is Latin for liver. This drop supports healthy detoxification. In today's world of processed foods, chemicals, EMF exposure, stress and more, giving the body a boost with processing and eliminating toxins is beneficial. 
Learn more here
HRT - Heart - Healthy circulation is key to a body metabolic reset. This drop supports healthy circulation and all heart functions.
Learn more here
MLS - Multi Spectrum - This drop supports a healthy microbiome, happy mood and general health. Considered a foundational drop in the product line along with GRW to support the immune system.
Learn more here
NRM - Normal - This drop supports healthy blood sugar levels.  What body does not need help processing the sugars we consume.  Especially when insulin resistance is skyrocketing - A little support goes a long way.
Learn more here
PWR - Apricot   PWR - Lemon
Today's world leaves our hormonal system on overdrive. Power drops support a healthy hormonal and endocrine system. Women take the apricot in the AM and the Lemon in the PM. Men take the lemon in the AM and the Apricot in the PM.
Learn more about Power Apricot here
Learn more about Power Lemon here
RLX - Relax - A good night's rest is key to a healthy body. Relax drops support the body to sleep deeper, promote REM sleep and often vivid dreaming.  This drop can also be taken in the day when the pressures of daily life cause you to get anxious. It helps support the body's ability to calm itself.
Learn more here
SLD - Slide - Active people need to support their body for to have the best performance at any age. Slide drops support the joints and ligaments and the body's ability to clear inflammation.
Learn more here
STP - Stop - Who doesn't overdue life once in a while. The gym, gardening, playing with the kids, hiking...being active!  When that old sports injury tells you that you played to hard or that weekend yard cleanup has your body yelling at you, Stop supports the body's ability to soothe those achy spots!
Learn more here

Behind the Technology and Why It Works!
There is so much information it was hard to decide what to place here!  
The information below covers some of the frequently asked questions!
Mary Esther Gilbert is a Nutritionist and has written a 600 page book on the DNA Drops.  Here is a video to get to know her. 

Mary Esther Gilbert, 40+ Year Nutritionist:

How do they absorb.
Absorbability And Nutrient Factors- MEG:

The power behind these drops...
DNA drops are so powerful -MEG:

Are they vitamins? If not, what do they do?
Are APL Drops Vitamins? -MEG:

Some FAQ's...

What are professionals saying about the drops.
Talk with a Chiropractor:

Some Resources that are mentioned
Certain files, videos, or resources mentioned on Education Calls
Bristol Stool Chart - What does your poop look like?
Three-minute step test rhythmic audio

Your Metabolic Reset Workbook will be an 8.5 x 5.5, saddle stitched, booklet you will record in daily. This is designed to create awareness of your body, mind and spirit.  Each category you will track is important to your health and wellness.