It isn't always easy to feel grateful. Especially with so much going on in the world.  Sometimes you just need to take a moment and think of all in your life that is good.  I know this can be hard but if nothing else, be grateful for life.  For most people, that means an opportunity to change.  It all comes down to how you want to see life and what is happening around you.  If you don't like it, change it.

I am grateful that timing of this whole mess has been good for my family.  Yes, we have been affected but this time, we were in the right place at the right time.  Kevin had just retired, we were prepared for a cut in income and we were in the middle of a big renovation project that Kevin was helping with.  My business has picked up due to people realizing that a healthy immune system is key to good health and that Young Living is an amazing company that can help people achieve good health.  My family has remained healthy and we are learning to make the most of the present situation.  We may not like it all but we are learning to work with it.

Most of all, I am grateful to wake up to this view every morning - it reminds me to be grateful no matter what happened the day before.

So what are you grateful for?  Even when times are tough?

When I need help finding gratitude, I pull out my Gratitude Essential Oil from Young Living. I love the energy of it and there are times when I feel I just have to wear it.  


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