Finding Inspiration and Hope

Finding Inspiration and Hope a family, we have been asked many times why we created our nonprofit and more importantly, why do we travel to Guatemala to build homes. The answer is simple - family and inspiration...something needed today more than ever.

This video was created for Friendship Day by one of the gals from Techo, the organization we partner with in Guatemala. These are all young Guatemalans filmed while volunteering to build homes, community centers, playgrounds, etc. to help those in need. They do it to create a better tomorrow for their people and their country.

They are inspiring...look at their faces! They are caring and dedicated. They are family. When we watch this video we don’t just see young people, we see a family of people who we have come to love.

Watch to the will see a couple of pictures of our build teams...we are easy to spot if you know to watch us...a few of the volunteers will be way older than the rest🤣🤣.

Thanks for watching - hope you are inspired about the youth of tomorrow