Should You Eat Bugs?

I don't know about you, but the thought of eating bugs, even ground into flour, does not appeal to me!  

The latest craze to get protein is eating crickets.  No thank you and my advice, just say "no!"

I love following Doctor Robert Malone - He is a no nonsense guy and not afraid to be wrong or bring up new science. I feel that is really important as science is constantly changing.

Here is a great substack (an article stored online) by Doctor Malone:

Read it and comment - I can't wait to hear what you have to say!

You Need to Watch Your Spices Too! Look What is In this Expensive Brand

You Need to Watch Your Spices Too!  Look What is In this Expensive Brand
Spices are one place you need to use your label reading skills!  This is a very popular and expensive Carnitas Blend from Pampered Chef.  I know I paid over $10 for this bottle. I wanted to support the person hosting and we love spices.  I never thought I would get it and wish I hadn't.  I love Pampered Chef products, so this surprised me.  

The truth is, it is not uncommon in expensive brands.  Whether it is a food, beverage, a beauty care product or a spice, bad things can lurk in expensive brands.  

I am not sure if you can see the ingredients but the two that would have me putting this back on the shelf are maltodextrin and canola oil.  Maltodextrin can be made of rice, corn or wheat.  This does say it is gluten free so it is probably corn or rice.  This is not an ingredient I like to see. This is not labeled organic so both the rice and the corn have probably been sprayed with pesticides like Round-Up.

Canola oil is an omega 6 oil. Highly inflammatory to the body and known to raise LDL cholesterol.  It is also most likely a GMO product as most omega 6 oils are.   If you see Canola, corn, sunflower, safflower, or vegetable oil on a label, put it back! Even organic foods with any of these. They are slowly killing you. 

We get too much omega 6 oil in our diet and not enough omega 3.  They should be consumed in a 1 to 1 to a 1 to 4 ratio. This is near impossible with a Standard American Diet.

There are plenty of quality spices out there to use. Have some fun. Clean out your spice closet and go shopping for some healthy new ones!

Let me know your favorite spices!  We love to add new ones to our spice closet. 

Have You Tried These Yet?

Have You Tried These Yet?

Truly the clean find of 2022! These are OLIPOPs! They are a prebiotic, botanical, fiber drink.

They are carbonated water that is combined with a blend called OLISMART.  This blend contains cassava root fiber, chicory root inulin, Jerusalem artichoke inulin, Nopal cactus, calendula flower, kudzu root, marshmallow root, slippery elm bark.  All great for your gut health!

They do add some juice concentrate, cassava root syrup and stevia to the product and of course the flavors that make each one unique.

They have between 4 - 7 net carbs so fit into many different diet plans.

They are great treat - helps make eliminating other things easier.  My husband, Kevin, has also added alcohol to them!  Says it tastes great...not that I am suggesting you do it!

You can find them in many supermarkets including Walmart.  You will not find every flavor in every store so you might need to check around.  My favorites are cherry vanilla, orange squeeze and grape...Kevin's is the strawberry vanilla.  There is also a cola blend but I have not met anyone who likes it.

The run between $2.38 and $2.99 per can.  Not bad if you are a coffee or kombucha drinker - just a little cheaper.  

Give them a try and let me know what you think!

The Last Blog About Protein Powder...for now!

The Last Blog About Protein Powder...for now!
Happy Friday for those reading this today!  I for one, am happy to see the week come to an end! Not a bad week...just crazy!  I want to finish off my discussion about protein powders by highlighting another good company - Native Path. What I like about this brand is they offer a collagen-based protein powder and also coffee creamers.  On my 28 Day Healthy Reboot, all dairy is eliminated on day 15 so you can trial dairy later in the program.  Many people need cream in their coffee - this is a healthy and tasty alternative. They offer fun flavors that can replace that International Creamer crap people buy.

Here is the protein powder - clean, just the right amount of protein (bovine collagen) and very few other ingredients. 
 Native Path also makes a PM collagen powder - great for those who need an after dinner treat or want to calm down after a crazy day. Notice it has melatonin, GABA, L-threanine, magnesium.  Great stuff!  

There are many other great protein powders on the market - Orgain, Vega, Ancient Nutrition... The big takeaway is that you need to find a protein that fits your individual needs and tastes. Are you looking for collagen? High protein? No soy, casein or whey? Vegan? Low FODMAP? Lectin Free, has amino acids, daily greens...  Once you figure this out, it gets easier to make a choice. I am happy to look at any protein powder and let you know the pros and cons from my perspective.

BTW - Trader Joe's makes an organic hemp protein that is not expensive.

What brand do you use and what are your favorite smoothie recipes?  I would love to hear from you!

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Power Meal by Young Living - A Review

Power Meal by Young Living - A Review

Welcome back!
I had promised to review Power Meal by Young Living as one of my protein powder reviews.  Like Protein Complete, it has some terrific ingredients and is a vegan alternative.  It is marketed as a meal replacement, so it has a higher amount of protein, 20 grams. 

The challenge with Power Meal is that it has ingredients that are on the inflammatory spectrum, and we avoid them on my 28 Day Healthy Reboot program.  You can see the full list of ingredients below but some of the red flags are pea protein, pumpkin seed and sunflower protein.  These are all lectins, a protein found in certain foods that can cause joint pain and gastric distress.

If you do not have a challenge with lectins, Power Meal is a great option for your smoothie or as a meal replacement.  You can use have of the serving size (10 grams of protein) if you are not using this as a meal replacement.

All the features of Power Meal are posted below.

I will be back with another option for you tomorrow!



  • 20 grams of vegan protein with each serving
  • Contains 11 fruits and vegetables
  • Zero added sugar
  • Sweetened with Reb-M sugarcane
  • Rich in amino acids
  • Balanced nutrition profile with fats, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and 17 vitamins and minerals 


Vegan protein blend (Pea protein isolate, Pumpkin seed protein, Flax protein, Sunflower protein), Medium chain triglycerides, Soluble tapioca fiber, Organic apple powder, Natural flavors, Organic carrot powder, Organic broccoli powder, Magnesium (Bis-glycinate chelate), Organic goji powder, Tomato powder, Organic spinach powder, Organic sweet potato powder, Xanthan gum, Organic blueberry powder, Freeze dried raspberry powder, Strawberry powder, Organic lucuma powder, Rebaudioside M (Natural sweetener), Zinc gluconate, Ascorbic acid, Enzyme blend (Protease, Amylase), Niacin, Copper gluconate, Biotin, Beta carotene, Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), d-Calcium pantothenate, Natural folate (from Citrus limon extract), Orange (Citrus sinensis) peel oil, Pyridoxine HCl, Riboflavin, Chromium chloride hexahydrate, Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)

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