The Latest in Cooking...

As many of you know, we are just finishing a complete makeover on our kitchen/living room area.  Our house had not been remodeled in years...if ever! This is fun (and sometimes frustrating) but it always comes with some perks!  This time it was a set of free cookware with the purchase of our stove.  Now we did not buy just any stove...Kevin loves to cook so we bought a special Cafe induction with dual ovens. Induction cooking needs special pots and pans so the free cookware was ideal.  The first just came in.  You have to check it out!  I have included a picture. You have to see if for yourself! It came with a battery, a ruler and is Bluetooth ready...who knew!  I personally avoid too much Bluetooth so I won't be using that feature but it was trip to open the box and get a battery with your fry pan.  Anyone else have new technology cookware?  Makes me wonder what else we are going to get!

Feeling Grateful

It isn't always easy to feel grateful. Especially with so much going on in the world.  Sometimes you just need to take a moment and think of all in your life that is good.  I know this can be hard but if nothing else, be grateful for life.  For most people, that means an opportunity to change.  It all comes down to how you want to see life and what is happening around you.  If you don't like it, change it.

I am grateful that timing of this whole mess has been good for my family.  Yes, we have been affected but this time, we were in the right place at the right time.  Kevin had just retired, we were prepared for a cut in income and we were in the middle of a big renovation project that Kevin was helping with.  My business has picked up due to people realizing that a healthy immune system is key to good health and that Young Living is an amazing company that can help people achieve good health.  My family has remained healthy and we are learning to make the most of the present situation.  We may not like it all but we are learning to work with it.

Most of all, I am grateful to wake up to this view every morning - it reminds me to be grateful no matter what happened the day before.

So what are you grateful for?  Even when times are tough?

When I need help finding gratitude, I pull out my Gratitude Essential Oil from Young Living. I love the energy of it and there are times when I feel I just have to wear it.  

May Greetings from the Grateful Hearts Farm!

May Greetings from the Grateful Hearts Farm!
Happy May!

I am hoping that this month not only sees the weather turning nice but also is the month when life can start getting back to normal...restaurants, gyms, hair and nail salons, state parks, etc open up and we can go back to life.  

I know for many this has been a super stressful time.  I am so grateful that Kevin and I decided to turn our whole world upside down by buying the farm and moving to Tennessee.  Although it has been crazy, all the things that we have needed to do have kept us focused on projects instead of all that is going on in the world.

We are finally in the last stages of our kitchen/living area reno.  We removed walls, gutted the kitchen and one of the bathrooms and installed new doors and windows.  The change has been amazing.  We are now focusing our attention on the outside. We have 24 acres to cut, clear, and maintain.  Clearing fence lines and brush cutting are the first order for the guys while I am focusing on the gardens.  

Future months will bring barn renovations, deciding what, if anything, will we do besides growing hay and of course moving on to phase two of the house renovations...but we are in no hurry to do that!

I wanted to close with a special blend that my son, Cameron, made to help him focus in school and work.  I know that everyone can use a little help there right now! 

Brain Power, Geneyus and Motivation blended together make a powerful combination of brain focusing energy!  

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