Seven Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle
Small habit changes can add up to big health wins!
Get my FREE Seven Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle
I have Seven Steps that will help you make positive health changes.  
Click the link below to access these simple steps!

Volunteering with my family in Guatemala building houses.

I was in my mid forties, a successful business woman who thought she was doing all the right things to stay healthy.  Instead I was exhausted,  jumpy, had major digestive issues and was falling asleep sitting up in a chair by 7 pm.

Being diagnosed with a disease and told my choices were lifelong medication or die, I found a third option.  Healthy Living!  Lifestyle changes that brought my body back into balance. 

Years later I am medication free, energetic and living a vibrant lifestyle of giving back. I want this for you too and am ready to share what I have learned.

Visit my nonprofit, Helping Hands Grateful Hearts

Healthy Living With Susan Johnson

Lifestyle matters when it comes to energy, mobility, digestion, brain and thyroid health.

I learned the hard way that the choices you make everyday about what you put in and on your body and how you manage your life do make a difference!

There is so much information and so many companies promising they know the answer. Is there one product or system that will solve all the problems?

The truth is...there is no one product, medication or system that will do it all. 

Better health begins with implementing simple lifestyle habits that help you reduce the burden on your body. These burdens are lifestyle choices that cause dis-ease and can lead to insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, thyroid issues, digestive issues, brain fog or worse.

I went from exhausted, stressed and jumpy to energetic, vibrant and feeling better than I have in years.  

I have spent the last 15 years researching, implementing and educating myself on strategies that have dramatically changed my life, the life of my family, friends and now, you!

Now it is your turn! I am on a mission to help others who are at the breaking point and want to make a change. (Or are making the change and want to learn more.)

I have done all the research, made all the mistakes and put together amazing resources to help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

Come join my community and get the education, resources and support you need.  No one should do this alone!  

Ready to learn more? Let's get in touch! 

  Live a Life You Love 
Check out all the ways I can help you live your BEST life!

Helping people is my passion!  I created and published the 28 Day Healthy Reboot to personally guide participants to better health and wellness.  The workbook, emails and coaching are loaded with education and tips to help you understand your body better.
The next Healthy Reboot will start in July 2023  
This program is life changing! Click the link below to learn more about this amazing program.

Do you enjoy reading health books but find you need motivation to get thru them?  No worries! I offer online book clubs on today's hottest health topics.  The groups are fun, no pressure and always filled with learning.  Check out our current and upcoming line up!

Body, Mind, Soul and Home Health!   
Young Living is my go to for clean, safe and effective products for every person, pet and part of my life.  

I believe that if you are going to use and suggest a company and product, you need to know that they have the quality and company to back up their products.  My experience with Young Living has been nothing short of incredible - I would be honored to share this passion with you.
Coming soon: 4 Weeks to Better Sleep! 

Stay In Touch
Ways we can communicate.



Head over to my free Facebook community, where you'll find like-minded folks living their best life, sharing information, free recipes, inspiration and tips and tricks on how to embrace a healthier lifestyle!



I love sharing informations - a new recipe, a tip or trick to implementing better habits, lifestyle choices or bit of inspiration to help you create more balance, and make sense of living a clean & vibrant life in today's crazy world.

Now it's your turn!

 I have spent the last 15 years researching, implementing and educating myself on strategies that have dramatically changed my life, the life of my family, friends and now, you!

Now it is your turn! I am on a mission to help others, like you, who may be at the breaking point and want to make a change. (Or are making the change and want to learn more.)

I have done all the research, made all the mistakes and put together amazing resources to help you lead a healthier lifestyle. Come join my community and get the education, resources and support you need.  No one should do this alone!  

Ready to learn more? Let's get in touch!  Contact me directly 


A Little About Me 
I'm Susan, a wife, mom, wellness warrior, service worker and crafter.  I am a Certified Natural Health Practitioner and International Institute of  Nutrition Health Coach.  I have almost 30 years of experience in the health and wellness arena.  
My husband, Kevin, and I recently bought a 24 acre farm in Tennessee to pursue a more sustainable life. A few years ago, I noticed my life didn't have as much pep as it once did. I was on several medications and I just didn't look forward to life like I once did. I have two grown children living in other states who I adore and love to visit.

My passion is helping others take control of their health through coaching and education. I would love to be a part of your health journey!

Get In Touch With Me
Text or Call me at 401-749-3242
Healthy Reboot is Trademarked by Susan Johnson/Healthy Living With Susan Johnson

Susan Johnson, CNHP, INHC, CBT
Healthy Reboot
Dandridge, TN 37725

Copyright Susan Johnson