Susan Johnson 28 Day Healthy Reboot

Savory Spices
One of the hardest things about changing your diet is finding ways to keep food fun and tasty.  Once you get the hang of it, it gets easy but it can be overwhelming to start.  Trying new spices is fun, tasty and can change up meals of chicken, beef or fish in no time flat.

Kevin and I have been using Savory Spices for over five years.  We love the quality, the variety and most of all, the taste! This is a brick and mortar chain but you can order online no problem.  We visited a shop in Huntersville, NC years ago and have been ordering online ever since.

Some of our favorites are the Pearl St. Plank Rub (Salmon!), Long's Peak (meant for pork but we add it to many other dishes like our Southern Style Cabbage, Capitol Hill and Mt Eolus Greek Spice. There are literally hundreds more!  Just know this - When they mark something as hot (spicy burn!), it is hot! We bought a bundle of spices on sale that were hot and we still have them in our closet - LOL!

We also love their Madagascan Vanilla

Susan Johnson or the 28 Day Healthy Reboot has no affiliation with this company other than to enjoy the products!  

Let me know if you have any questions!

Information courtesy of Susan Johnson
Susan Johnson, CNHP, INHC, CBT
Healthy Reboot
Dandridge, TN 37725

Copyright Susan Johnson