Fruit is an important part of your diet. Fruit provides vitamin C, fiber, potassium, folate, antioxidants, and many other vitamins and minerals. It is best to purchase organic, local fruit when available. Next would organic, grown in the USA.
Purchasing all organic can be expensive - check the Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen list from for a listing of fruits and vegetables that you should always purchase organic or specific produce you can purchase that is not organic, also called "conventional".
Organic, frozen fruits are also convenient for making smoothies, cooking or other dishes that do not require you use it fresh.
One of the challenges with fruit is than many people focus on fruit more than vegetables. Fruit, although healthy, is a sugar to the body. Too many bananas or other fruits higher in sugar concentration can affect your health. Understanding serving sizes and which fruits have more sugar is important. Berries are always a great option as they are low in sugar.