Hello and Happy Day!

I made a promise to myself that I would help others improve their health in 2021.  

We know that many people are worried about their overall health.  The past year’s scare with Covid has led many to understand the importance of a healthy body.  Here are some interesting facts:

According to Endocrineweb.com, One in three Americans including half over the age of 60, have insulin resistance, an indicator for diabetes, pre-diabetes, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s and cancer.

43 million Americans or about 20% of the population have chronic inflammation – www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 1/20/20

34 million Americans, about 1 in 10, have diabetes. 90 – 95% have type 2 diabetes. CDC.com 2/11/20

There is one thing all these facts have in common…they can be traced back to an unhealthy digestive system!  Healthy digestion is the KEY to better health.  

To start the year off, I created a three-part series on healthy digestion. The three videos discuss why it is important, what good digestion is and finally how you can improve your digestion to support better physical and emotional health. I will post them over the next few days. 

Part One Link – Why is Healthy Digestion Important  https://youtu.be/h2-4RQ5c040

Let me know what you think, post questions or comments. I would love to hear from you!

#healthydigestion #28DayHealthyReboot #HealthyLivingWithSusanJohnson.com #stayingwell #Alldiseasebeginsinthegut


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