A Word About Protein Powders

A Word About Protein Powders

I am a big proponent of morning smoothies!  They are quick, tasty and the variety you can make them is endless. Anyone who says they do not like them has just not found the right ingredients.

That being said, I often take grief when going over protein powders that are in compliance with my 28 Day Healthy Reboot.  I hear, "My powder is promoted by this holistic doctor" or "This other popular program sells it and says it is the best product to promote health," or my favorite, "It's organic. Why is that bad?" "I don't understand why I cannot use it?"

It has nothing to do with whether it is good or bad or whether you will be able to use it in the future. It has to do with your goal for following my program.  The 28 Day Healthy Reboot and the Healthy Reboot For Life eliminates inflammatory foods as well as foods that cause digestive distress due to sensitivity or allergies. This often means eliminating otherwise healthy ingredients that fall into certain categories. 

Lectins, FODMAPS, dairy, soy, nightshades...the list goes on. This eliminates and whey or casein, soy and rice protein.  Also, I get many questions on a favorite of holistic practitioners, pea protein (a lectin).  Many also fall short because they are not organic or grass/pastured products. 

Does this mean you can never eat them again? Of course not!  What you need to do is determine if you have sensitivity to the food category. If you are sensitive, you will need to determine why and how to heal whatever issue you might be experiencing. If you have no reaction, you can add it back in at the end of the program. If you find you are allergic, you will need to avoid it or suffer the consequences of a reaction.  

I have featured Vital Proteins in this post.  I use this product almost daily - I like the chocolate flavor best.  It is made from grass fed and pastured collagen peptides and contains essential amino acids your body needs.  Best of all, the suggested serving size is two scoops for a total of 18 grams of protein.  I only use one scoop per day because 9 grams of protein is plenty for my morning smoothie.  If I add blanched almonds, hemp seeds or other protein containing ingredients, I am getting more than enough protein. 

We do not need as much protein as you think! Many people consume too much protein daily.  There are exceptions like body builders or anyone who has been told by a medical professional they need more protein. But the average person does not need as much protein as we generally eat in a day (We will save this topic for another blog post!).

I do need to note that Vital Proteins was bought out by a big corporation a few years ago. When this happens, they often mess with the ingredients to bring down the manufacturing costs.  I have not seen this happen yet, but I carefully read the label each time I buy a bottle.  You can find it in many stores, but Costco has the best price I have ever found. 

I will finish with this - as with anything, you get what you pay for.  Inexpensive protein powders are inexpensive because they do not use the highest quality ingredients.  If you are consuming smoothies every day, you need to be using a quality product that work for you.  Only you will know what is right after finishing a program like the 28 Day Healthy Reboot.

Feel free to share a favorite smoothie recipe in the comments!  If you have any questions or want to discuss your protein powder with me, just reach out!  Susan@HealthyLivingWithSusanJohnson.com or Susan@MyHealthyReboot.com.

#MyHealthyReboot.com #28DayHealthyReboot #HealthyReboot #HealthyRebootForLife 

Is Your New Year's resolution to eat healthier?

Is Your New Year's resolution to eat healthier?
Happy New Year from the Grateful Heart Farm and the Healthy Reboot program!  May 2023 be the best year ever!

Every year millions of Americans set a New Year's resolution...to give up a bad habit, to exercise more, spend more time with family, lose weight or to eat healthier foods.  I know many that fall into the "eat healthier" category.

My New Year's resolution is to help all of you who want to make better choices a little easier.  My goal is to highlight products, recipes as well as provide education on how to make better choices.

I would love some feedback on what you would like to learn more about! Please feel free to comment or leave a message.

I will start by highlighting some clean protein powders.  There is no better way to jump start your morning routine than by chewing a great tasting smoothie (why chew your smoothie...I bet some of you will know the answer to that comment!).

I love Perfect Keto collagen protein powders, protein bars and the MCT powder.  They have other products...but these really stand out for me.  They are clean, well made, taste good, and for those who subscribe, the price is moderate.  Believe me when I say, there are no really clean bars at a cheap price.

Here are the ingredients in the protein powder

I only see one ingredient that if I could have the perfect bar might not be there - that would be the acacia gum.  Something has to hold it all together and it is the better of the options.  I like that it has only nine grams of protein as I do not think you need much more than that for breakfast or a snack. Especially if you are going to add in other ingredients like hemp seeds or a nut butter that have protein too.  Very few individuals need 18 - 28 grams of protein in one serving every day.

Perfect Keto offers other flavors - feel free to check out their website at perfectketo.com.  I can offer you a referral link if you send me your email address but that is not my motivation.  Please feel free to check out the website.

Shoot me any questions and I will highlight some other protein powders over the next week. This is just one of a few I like to use.

Happy New Year!
#HealthyReboot #MyHealthyReboot.com #28DayHealthyReboot #HealthyRebootForLife

How to Support Heatlhy Digestion - Part Three in My Healthy Digestion Series

How to Support Heatlhy Digestion - Part Three in My Healthy Digestion Series


Another overcast day here in Tennessee but warmer – I will gladly take warmer but wet over super cold and dry!  As I sit at my kitchen island looking out my window, I am watching beautiful cardinals work my birdfeeder and the small herd of deer are roaming the upper field grazing on the grass.  A great way to start the day and a good way to have breakfast…calming and enjoyable – you will learn why this is important in the third and final video on digestion.

In the first video, I discussed why healthy digestion is important. The second video was a simple explanation of how digestion works. Today’s video wraps it all up by discussing how to support healthy digestion.

Part Three Link – How do I Improve My Digestion?  https://youtu.be/QCSRhVyAShU

My goal with this video is to give you actionable ways you can support good health but let me make something perfectly clear…All the digestive support in the world will do you no good unless you make a commitment to changing your eating habits.

Unfortunately, most people have no idea what they need to change to create better digestive health or how to do it. I created a program called the 28 Day Healthy Reboot to help people navigate how foods, toxicity and lifestyle affect their health.  You can learn more about the 28 Day Healthy Reboot in this video  https://youtu.be/eXP8bI2ajyg

I have 28 Day Healthy Reboot groups starting on January 24, 2021 and April 4, 2021. Please email me at susan@healthylivingwithsusanjohnson.com for more information.

Enjoy your day!

Three Part Series on Healthy Digestion

Hello and Happy Day!

I made a promise to myself that I would help others improve their health in 2021.  

We know that many people are worried about their overall health.  The past year’s scare with Covid has led many to understand the importance of a healthy body.  Here are some interesting facts:

According to Endocrineweb.com, One in three Americans including half over the age of 60, have insulin resistance, an indicator for diabetes, pre-diabetes, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s and cancer.

43 million Americans or about 20% of the population have chronic inflammation – www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 1/20/20

34 million Americans, about 1 in 10, have diabetes. 90 – 95% have type 2 diabetes. CDC.com 2/11/20

There is one thing all these facts have in common…they can be traced back to an unhealthy digestive system!  Healthy digestion is the KEY to better health.  

To start the year off, I created a three-part series on healthy digestion. The three videos discuss why it is important, what good digestion is and finally how you can improve your digestion to support better physical and emotional health. I will post them over the next few days. 

Part One Link – Why is Healthy Digestion Important  https://youtu.be/h2-4RQ5c040

Let me know what you think, post questions or comments. I would love to hear from you!

#healthydigestion #28DayHealthyReboot #HealthyLivingWithSusanJohnson.com #stayingwell #Alldiseasebeginsinthegut

Happy New Year! Making Changes...

Happy New Year!  

I hope everyone had a great holiday. For us it was a big change. Kevin and I celebrated here at the farm with Stella, our dog. Quiet for sure. We usually celebrate with lots of family in RI.  We did not mind. It was rather nice to relax and be together.  It topped of a year of changes...some good, some bad.  We feel grateful that the good outweighed the bad. Both of us were able to use the restrictions to get some big projects done.

On to 2021...

How are you doing?  Did you set goals for the new year?

 As we head into the third week of January, reality can start to set in. New Year's resolutions start to fade and some of our good intentions have been swept aside by life.  

Don't let this get you down!  This is the best time to reflect on the goals and resolutions you set. Ask yourself some tough questions about why they are not working out.  Then make new goals based on the reality of your situation. This saying comes to mind, "Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change." - Unknown   

Is it time for change?

Carefully and thoughtfully write down your new goal(s).  Ask yourself if they are SMART - Specific (but I would switch with simple), measureable, acheivable, realistic and timely.  Break this down into realistic steps that can be measured in a timely fashion.  Saying, "I want to lose 10 pounds" might be an achievable goal but how are you going to do it? What are the steps (more exercise, reduce certain foods, stress reduction)? When do you want this to be acccomplished (10 days, one month, six months?) and will the steps you outlined help you reach that 10 pound weight loss in the time you have set? How will you measure your success - get on the scale every day, once a week, once a month?

If this sounds like too much to do, maybe it is time to find a personal trainer, nutritionist, or group that can help you stay on track and motivated.  Only you can know what is right for you.

 For those of you who are staying on course - awesome!  Share with us how you keeping on track! What are some of the goals you have set and what are you doing to acheive them?

Remember, you are the only one who can make you, successful. They key is finding out the support system you need to help you acheive that success. Sometimes it is just a matter of posting them in public - go ahead and post your goals here! I will share with you some of mine!

I have big plans for 2021 - promoting my new book about helping others find better health, overcoming my fear and lack of knowledge of social media (especially with all the new platforms!), making our farm more operational (Cattle and some crops) and taking my own health to a deeper level. I have set SMART goals. I do not succeed every day but I get up the next morning with a smile and desire to, once again, move toward my goals.

Until next time...

#SMARTgoals #Gratefulheartsfarm #28DayHealthyReboot #Healthylivingwithsusanjohnson #greatstart2021 #healthyliving

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